If you own business personal property (equipment, furniture, etc) in a Texas county, Business Personal Property renditions are due soon. The due date this year would have been 4/15/2020. Many, but not all, counties have automatically extended the deadline to 5/15/2020. Either way the due date is right around the corner. If you have not engaged us to prepare your BPP forms this year and need to do so, please contact us immediately with your blank form (if you have it) and information on new purchases during 2019. With the COVID chaos surrounding everything, we would advise you to act on this sooner rather than later, so our busy office has plenty of time to make sure you are well taken care of.
If you opened a new practice in 2019 and have no idea what this means…SURPRISE. Contact us and we’ll be happy to update you more thoroughly. If you are on our Monthly Core Services program then you have one less thing to worry about—we are already taking care of you.