Year-End Financial Planning: Tax Tips and Milestones for Dental Practice Owners

As we get ready for another year to close, have you taken full advantage of tax-saving opportunities?

In this episode, Ash breaks down everything you need to know before the year ends to ensure you’re setting yourself up for success when tax season comes.

Ash covers topics ranging from retirement accounts, proper tax deductions, and ensuring you’re taking full advantage of tax savings but still not doing anything that would worry the IRS. Ash also discusses COVID-related financial assistance and why you need to make sure you’re reporting any help you may have received. Plus, he talks about something you may not have considered regarding the long-term planning of your business and some of the money you may have received from the PPP loan.

Be sure you listen before you jump into the new year (or this is an excellent review as you start the following year). Saving money is always a good thing!

If you have specific questions about any of these topics for your practice, or if you’d like to have another question answered on a future podcast, please reach out to the Edwards & Associates team. Please also contact us to find out more about Ash’s financial course.

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