dental CPA team

Why We Don’t Outsource to Offshore Resources

Today, when many accounting firms are having trouble hiring skilled talent, many are turning to offshore resources to cut costs and increase profits. However, at E&A, we’ve made a conscious decision not to follow that path. For us, the security of our clients’ data and the quality of our services take priority over increasing profits. Here’s why…

The Value of Data Security

In the dental industry, patient confidentiality and data security are not just essential—they’re legally mandated. As your accounting firm, we handle highly sensitive financial data about your practice, employees, and even your patients. By keeping our operations within the U.S., we ensure that your data is protected by domestic privacy laws such as HIPAA and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA). These laws provide stringent regulations on how client information should be managed, something many offshore firms may not know about or be subject to. Additionally, we are not willing to risk losing control over where and how your data is handled. Offshore jurisdictions may not have the same level of oversight, enforcement, or cybersecurity standards, which can mean increased vulnerability to data breaches and less accountability.

Maintaining Accuracy and Expertise

When you work with us, all of your accounting work is performed by qualified professionals who are familiar with the dental industry, U.S. tax laws, and other pertinent regulations. It is rare for an offshoring provider to have specialized industry knowledge, which can lead to inaccuracies and missed tax-saving opportunities.

In the world of dental accounting, precision is key, and every dollar matters when managing expenses, payroll, financial planning, and tax strategies. By choosing not to use offshore resources, we maintain a higher standard of accuracy, ensuring that nothing is lost in translation or neglected because someone unfamiliar with U.S. dental practice operations is handling your books.

Knowing Where Your Data Is At All Times

One of the benefits of working with us is knowing exactly where your data is stored and who is handling it. Offshore companies may not have the same level of security, so if a data breach occurs, who is responsible? How is your data being stored, and in which country’s jurisdiction does it fall? With our firm, there are no unknowns. Your data stays secure within the U.S., where it is subject to strict privacy regulations.

Choosing Security Over Profits

It’s no secret that offshoring can significantly reduce costs. However, we believe that the potential security risks, coupled with the loss of control over data, are simply not worth it. By keeping our work in-house, we may not maximize profits the same way firms using offshore labor do, but we offer our clients something much more valuable: peace of mind.

We’ve invested in state-of-the-art cybersecurity measures to protect your sensitive financial information, and our team is well-trained and vetted, so you can feel confident that your practice’s financial health is in safe hands.

Why This Matters to Dental Practices

As a dental practice owner, your focus should be on providing top-quality care to your patients. You shouldn’t have to worry about the safety and accuracy of your financial records. By choosing an accounting firm focused solely on those in the dental industry that doesn’t offshore its work, you’re choosing a partner that values security, precision, and transparency as much as you do.

If you want more information about how we safeguard your data and offer the best accounting services for your dental practice, feel free to contact us today. We’re here to help you build a stronger, more secure financial future.