Arneshia Murphy

Meet Arneshia Murphy, Staff Accountant at Edwards & Associates. In her role, Arneshia is responsible for maintaining accurate financial records for our clients, managing the reporting and valuation of business personal property, ensuring precise and efficient data processing, and tackling unique challenges while contributing to strategic initiatives through special projects. With a keen eye for detail and a data-driven mindset, Arneshia provides insightful financial analyses and excels in forecasting and strategy. “I love working with numbers and analyzing data. There’s something incredibly satisfying about uncovering insights that can drive better business decisions.”

Before joining Edwards & Associates, Arneshia served five years in the United States military, including four years of active duty and one year in the Air Force Reserves. Arneshia holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Texas at Arlington and an MBA from Southeastern Oklahoma State University.  

Arneshia resides in Dallas and is a self-proclaimed workaholic. When she does disconnect, she loves spending time with her close-knit family and traveling.

Fun Facts:

  • Arneshia loves the thrill of crime – in her movies, of course!
  • Cookies and cream reigns supreme in Arneshia’s opinion.
  • Arneshia loved math in school. Numbers and equations? Bring them on!
  • Given a chance to travel anywhere, she’d choose the world’s sixth-largest country, Australia. Koalas, kangaroos, and digeridoos await!
  • Her favorite movie line? “If you ain’t first, you’re last.” Can you guess who said it?