REGARDING UNEMPLOYMENT: If you were paying yourself payroll, have closed your office and have not yet filed for unemployment personally, please hold off a bit longer. There is legislation in the works that may provide coverage for your payroll costs but they may not apply if you are already drawing unemployment. We are looking into this as quickly as we are able. Details are very thin and unclear. Similarly, if you are considering closing your office and have not yet advised your staff to file unemployment, please hold off a bit longer to see what relief may be available in the very near future. Already if any of your staff are home with school age children, there is some relief available under the most recently passed bill HR 6201, providing a tax credit for sick leave paid to them which would allow you to pay them a bit longer before they need to seek unemployment benefits. Again details on this are very obscure and their application to dentists is exceptionally murky for multiple reasons. We are providing details as quickly as we can.
Friday, March 20, 2020 10:32PM
Find here a resource to help you gauge your coming cash needs during the downturn. Another excellent resource from our partners within the Academy of Dental CPAs (
Friday, March 20, 2020 8:45PM
IRA and ROTH contributions for 2019 are due “no later than the time prescribed by law for filing the return.” Don’t you love tax talk? 😉 The due date of filing the 2019 individual return this year has been set as 7/15/20. Therefore, 2019 IRA and ROTH contributions may also be made as late as 7/15/20. Keep in mind that the market is at a low point and may continue to fall but is expected to fully rebound. This may be a good time to get your retirement contribution invested at bargain prices.
Friday, March 20, 2020 8:43PM
Q: I Just received an email from the ADA saying that they’re lobbying for SBA loans for the dentists. Low interest rates and 36 hours turnaround. Should we wait to see if this comes to fruition or move forward with the Line of Credit as originally planned?
A: Move forward with the LOC as originally planned. This should be pursued immediately rather than wait for a possible SBA solution that is not yet assured.
Friday, March 20, 2020 1:09PM
Q: What steps should I take right now to mitigate the financial hardship my practice is facing?
A: Start here…
1. Check our website regularly for updates. (Click here for Covid-19 updates)
2. Obtain or renew a Line of credit. Ask for $100,000.
3. If your office hours are shortened, consider Texas Work Share Program 1st, then unemployment for your staff.
4. Contact your lender about getting loans deferred.
5. Contact your landlord and see if they will allow a deferment or other arrangement.
6. Contact major vendors and ask for deferral of payments due.
7. Contact your credit card company and see if they will allow a deferment and/or interest free period.
8. If you provide health insurance and must lay off staff temporarily, contact your provider to see if the coverage will remain in place or what steps you need to take in the interim.
9. If you typically make a retirement contribution early in the year, delay that contribution. You typically have until 9/15 or 10/15 to fund a retirement plan other than an IRA or ROTH.
10. If you can personally afford to skip some paychecks, consider doing so. This will reduce payroll taxes and leave cash in the practice to support your employees and pay fixed expenses.
11. This is temporary so give thought to staff retention, patient communication and a plan for ramping up production once you are on the other side.
Friday, March 20, 2020 12:14PM Call to action!
Covid-19 Practice Operations Survey
Please take a few minutes to read and respond to our survey regarding your current, general practice operations during Covid-19. This is not limited to clients, any dental practice owner can respond so please don’t hesitate sharing it with your colleagues who might participate, the more participation we have, the better results and information to share. Thank you!
BREAKING NEWS Friday, March 20, 2020 9:57AM
Tax Day pushed to July 15 from April 15
Friday, March 20, 2020 9:44AM
Please be aware that although Texas has not yet imposed restrictions on keeping your practice open, many other states have. Oregon issued an order last night that practices must shut down until 6/15/20 for all elective and non-urgent procedures. And it’s not for the reason you may think. Not to prevent the spread of the virus, though that will surely be a good bi-product, but because the state is running desperately low on supplies—masks, etc—needed by those who are directly interacting and treating the COVID-19 patients and who need the most protection. Those supplies will continue to dry up across the country and eventually you are likely to be affected by a similar order. 6/15/20 is a much further date than we’ve seen so far and so the implications here could be much bigger than at first believed. Though this is not a forgone conclusion, we want you to be aware so you are not shortsighted in your current decision making.
Thursday, March 19, 2020 12:50PM
Please know that while your offices are closed, we are here for you! We are working feverishly to provide you timely and relevant information, to answer your questions, to provide the financial information your bank needs to extend a line of credit, and to complete your tax returns. Please note we are prioritizing tax returns differently than we normally would. If we are expecting you to receive a refund, you are being moved up the queue so we can help with your cash flow as much as we can. Thank you for your continued confidence in E&A as we support your through this difficult time.
Thursday, March 19, 2020 11:32AM
According to our source at TWC, it is likely that the layoffs
and unemployment related to Covid-19 will ultimately not affect your TWC rate.
Under normal circumstances, unemployment benefits received by your former
employees if you terminated them for no fault of their own, would eventually
increase your TWC rate and the amount of tax you must pay quarterly.
If you have
employees that you must temporarily release, consider paying them any sick time
or PTO they have available at your next normal payroll schedule, and have them
go ahead now and apply for unemployment. That will get the unemployment process
started so that after their final (before reopening!) check from you, TWC
benefits will begin soon after.
Thursday, March 19, 2020 11:29AM
From the Texas Workforce Commission: Unemployment Benefit
Claim Self-Service for Employers
If your business
has been affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19), TWC can help you manage
layoffs and unemployment benefit claims. You can manage claims online at any
time by using TWC’s online unemployment portal, Employer
Benefits Services, or by calling
TWC’s Tele-Center employers’ line at 866-274-1722 from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Central
Time Monday through Friday.
When an individual submits a claim naming your company as the
last employer, TWC sends you a Notice of
Application for Unemployment Benefits. When you respond
to this notice, be sure to include information if your business was impacted by
COVID-19. Respond online using our Unemployment Insurance Employer Response
TWC is experiencing
an increase in call volumes and hold times on our Tele-Center phone lines. You
are encouraged to use TWC’s online unemployment portal, Employer
Benefits Services, to handle your
claim needs quickly. EBS is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We
also encourage you to sign up for Electronic Correspondence so you can receive
your TWC communications online as soon as possible. If you are new to EBS, you
will need to create a TWC EBS Administrator account when you first log on.
Log on to EBS to:
• Manage access to
your online account by setting up an EBS Administrator Account
• Sign up for
Electronic Correspondence so you can receive your TWC communications online as
soon as possible
• Appeal Online and
View Appeal Status: An appeal is your written notice that you disagree with a
TWC decision and want your case decided through the appeal process
• Submit a Shared
Work Plan: Find out how to avoid laying off workers by reducing the hours of
some employees, who can also receive a partial unemployment benefit payment
• Submit a Mass Claim Request: Streamline the unemployment
benefits claims process if faced with layoffs by taking advantage of our mass
claims process
• Designate an
Address for Mailed Correspondence: Choose one mailing address to receive your
unemployment insurance notices at a single location, even if you have multiple
• Respond to a
Notice of Maximum Potential Chargeback: Chargebacks concern claims where you
were not the claimant’s last employer, but that may affect your tax rate
TWC will
investigate why your former employee lost their job and mail a decision
explaining whether they are eligible for unemployment benefits. TWC has waived
the work search requirement for all claimants at this time