dental study clubs

Dental Study Clubs



One of the hardest parts about running a dental practice can be feeling like you’re doing it all alone, the good news is that there’s an answer to this problem, and that answer is dental study clubs. Once you graduate from dental school, you’re no longer surrounded by peers. Yes, you hire staff, but leaning on them to help you overcome some of the struggles of running your business isn’t a possibility. 

Dental study clubs consist of groups of dentists who meet frequently to discuss best business practices, issues they may be having, plus many other topics that can help them build and grow their practice.

In this episode of Beyond Bitewings, the Edwards & Associates Team discusses the different types of dental clubs, the pros and cons of being a part of one, and what you can expect when trying to find the right club for you.

If you’d like to have your question answered on a future podcast, contact Edwards & Associates. Or contact any one of the excellent ADCPA affiliates across the nation at 

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